Jakarta, 10 March 2022 – PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) together with the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI) held an online kidney health education which was held in the context of World Kidney Day that is being commemorated today. This webinar presents the speaker dr. Aida Lydia, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH as General Chair of the Indonesian Nephrology Association/Pernefri, with moderator dr. Lia Kurnia Hartanti, MARS. MM. In addition to this webinar, Etana also conducts public webinars in collaboration with 100 hospitals throughout Indonesia, targeting hemodialysis patients, patient families, health workers and specialists in internal medicine, kidney and hypertension consultants.
Read MoreJakarta, 27 February 2022 – PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) together with the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI) held an online health education with the theme of Management of Anemia: Reducing Blood Transfusion Rates with the speaker Prof. dr. Rully MA Roesli, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH, and moderated by dr. Lia Kurnia Hartanti, MARS. MM. This webinar was held as a part of the series of the World Kidney Day commemorations which falls on March 10, 2022. Etana and KPDCI have been consistently providing education to patients and the public regarding kidney health.
Read MoreJakarta, 4 August 2021 – PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) and the University of Indonesia (UI) have established a strategic partnership for the Research and Development of Biotechnology-Based Drugs which is expected to contribute to the advancement of the health industry ecosystem in Indonesia. Through this collaboration, Etana and UI are committed to conducting research, developing human resources, and developing biotechnology-based drugs, which can be produced and marketed on an industrial scale. This is done to support government programs in the health sector and to create national health resilience.
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