Jakarta, 10 March 2022 – PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) together with the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI) held an online kidney health education which was held in the context of World Kidney Day that is being commemorated today. This webinar presents the speaker dr. Aida Lydia, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH as General Chair of the Indonesian Nephrology Association/Pernefri, with moderator dr. Lia Kurnia Hartanti, MARS. MM. In addition to this webinar, Etana also conducts public webinars in collaboration with 100 hospitals throughout Indonesia, targeting hemodialysis patients, patient families, health workers and specialists in internal medicine, kidney and hypertension consultants. This year's World Kidney Day commemorates the theme "Healthy Kidneys for All: Bridging the Knowledge Gap for Better Kidney Health."

Tony Richard Samosir, General Chair of KPCDI said “KPCDI together with Pernefri and Etana are working to provide as much education as possible to the wider public so that knowledge about kidney disease can be spread and accessed easily. Today we are commemorating World Kidney Day, through this theme all parties are invited to join hands in strengthening kidney health education for the public. Obviously, education is at the forefront so that efforts to reduce the number of kidney failures in Indonesia can be realized, whereas in Indonesia this number continues to increase every year.”

Nathan Tirtana, President Director of PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia said “Etana together with KPCDI and Pernefri consistently provide education regarding good kidney health to the public, patients and health workers in the hemodialysis unit. We believe that the education provided can increase public knowledge, especially hemodialysis patients, in improving the quality of life to maintain and protect health in an effort to improve the nation's health. We hope to continue to synergize with various parties in providing education and contributing to bridging the knowledge gap for better kidney health.”

dr. Aida Lydia, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH, Chairperson of the Indonesian Nephrology Association said “From global data, one in ten people in the world experience kidney disease, and on average they do not know that they have kidney disease. They would only realize that they have kidney disease when their kidney function has decreased considerably, is approaching, or has reached the final stage. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients will experience many complications, one of which is anemia, almost 80% of dialysis patients have Hb < 10 g/dL this is because they have not received treatment for anemia properly. This is a challenge for all of us so that complications of anemia can be handled properly, at least we can get a good Hb between 10 - 11.5 g/dL.”

Kidney disorders are divided into two, i.e. acute kidney disorders and chronic kidney disease (CKD). For acute kidney disorders, the disorders would usually occur suddenly (within hours-days) and kidney function can recover if treated immediately. While CKD is commonly a kidney disorder that has been occurring for some time (more than 3 months) and the kidney function could not recover, in which we must be able to prevent it from becoming kidney failure. In conditions of kidney failure, the kidneys are no longer functioning properly so it needs to be treated with kidney replacement therapy (kidney replacement therapy).

Etana at a glance

PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) was established in 2015 and is a biotechnology company in Indonesia that focuses on the production and marketing of biological drugs in the oncology field for the Southeast Asian market. Etana is currently marketing EPO (Erythropoietin) in Indonesia for the treatment of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease. Etana has biotechnology production facilities that meet international standards and BPOM. Etana's production facilities have the capability to produce biosimilar/biology sterile solutions with PFS injection packaging.

Lusy Andriani