Jakarta, 17 September 2023 – PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) together with the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI) held kidney health education with resource person Dr. Dr. Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun, Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM and dr. Mirna Nurasri Praptini, SpPD-KGH., M.Epid., FINASIM. The topics raised in this education were what to pay attention to during a kidney transplant and how to prevent and treat anemia in chronic kidney patients, which was attended by 150 kidney failure patients from Jakarta and surrounding areas.
Randy Stevian, Head of Sales & Marketing PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia said "Etana is consistently provide education to the public, especially Chronic Kidney Patients (CKP), as a form of effort to improve the quality of life of the patients. "Alongside KPCDI, we believe that this educational effort can continue to be carried out considering that this community is in direct contact with CKP, which continues to increase every year."
Dr. Dr. Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun, Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM said "Currently more and more CKPs wish to have kidney transplants due to the beneficial advantages such as increased health and body fitness, more lenient eating and drinking restrictions, and the ability to carry out activities prior to their kidney disease, and have longer life expectancy than if they continued to undergo dialysis. Unfortunately there are many patients who have had their transplantation who turned neglectful of their condition, since they felt healthy and well and ignoring their proper lifestyle, did not conduct routine examination, and this is very unfortunate.”
Dr. Mirna Nurasri Praptini, SpPD-KGH., M.Epid., FINASIM said "Anemia in CKP must be treated properly, one of which is through providing Ertythropoiesis Stimulating Agent (ESA) therapy as the main therapy, where in patients with kidney failure, ESA therapy should start when Hb <10 g/dl. Identifying anemia in CKP is fairly straightforward, e.g. loss of appetite, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, and pale skin an mucous membranes."
The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) worldwide has increased every year, where many patients have been declared that their kidney is at eternalisis stage where they have to do dialysis in level 5 chronic, which means they have no other choices.
There are only three options, Kidney Transplant, hemodialysis/HD (dialysis), and CAPD (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis). In Indonesia, out of these three therapies, the most widely performed and chosen by Chronic Kidney Failure Patients is Hemodialysis. Furthermore not many Chronic Kidney Failure patients wished to take the first option, which is to do a kidney transplant. Various reasons make these patients reluctant to even think about it, such as costs and the process of finding a donor which is arguably not easy.
Etana at a glance
Established in 2014, Etana is an Indonesian biopharmaceutical company that researches, manufactures and markets biological therapies for the Southeast Asian market. With a mission to serve patients by providing high quality, affordable, and innovative therapies, the company has built state-of-the-art local production facility that meet international and Indonesian FDA standards. The facility is able to produce biological therapy with halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Etana aspires to become a leading biopharmaceutical company in the ASEAN region through aggressive expansion in production capacity and product development, with a primary focus on oncology and vaccine products.
Etana is led by a local management team who come from various international and domestic educational backgrounds and have strong experience in the biopharmaceutical industry, and are supported by a team of international investors and leading biopharmaceutical companies. Etana aims to provide innovative yet affordable therapies through local production, to support Indonesian government programs and larger market demands. Etana is currently a leading biotech company in Indonesia committed to the research and manufacture of monoclonal antibodies, mRNAs and other biological platforms.